Living near Fremantle again is rather lovely, and while I'm anxious to take the bus out for a spin, it's really nice to catch up with friends and take on a constant amount of work. It's also beyond wonderful to be able to take Lilly places without relying on Aaron to drive me (ahem, I am useless and still to get my drivers license...) and I've already hunted down a few of my favourite cafe's (more on that in another post!)
Sadly, due to being unwell and so busy, I've been rather slack with updating progress on the bus, but so far we have rebuilt the kitchen base and working hard on the cabinets and fridge area! We had a few leaks with the onslaught of rain, but quickly managed to plug them up without too much of our things getting damaged.
Our travel plans are still a little muddy as we work out our work and renovations, so it seems for now we might be using Perth as a base for 3 months while we take the bus out for week long trips. Hopefully this will give us a chance to work out the kinks before the big journey, and allow us (and Lilly) to get used to the bus completely. After that we jet set off to Bali for 2 months and came back on New Years Eve! It's bizarre to think how the year has already flown by, time really stops for no one.
Lilly is going on 16 months and as feisty as ever! It's hard to imagine her at 2 years when she's already so mischievous, independent and determined. She has moments of such sweetness and calm, I can almost forget how much fire she has. I try to remind myself that, despite all her tantruming and general toddlerhood, I wouldn't want her any other way, and that one day when she's a grown woman I'll appreciate how strong willed and assertive she can be. Although, I now have a newfound appreciation for what my parents went through with me, there's no doubt she inherited her zest from her mumma!
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