Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Overseas on a budget

This is a follow up of my recent post "So, how do we afford to travel". It's just a few tips we picked up while in Bali (as well as our personal experience travelling before our baby)

Clearly Aaron and I don't travel 5 star and we prefer to go a little off the beaten track so these may not apply to you but hopefully you find them helpful (or somewhat entertaining)

Budget before you leave and work within your means: for example; don't book into a 5 star resort, fly business class and eat at the finest restaurants if you only have a limited budget. Sure, spoil yourself but use common sense! I know that sounds boring, but trust me, you would rather have to compromise here and there then worry constantly about how you are going to pay the bill at the end of the night. 

Budget out per day: This way you have a rough idea of how much you can spend each day. Then if you accidentally splurge out on a tour or expensive dinner and be prepared to slum it for a few days by the pool eating Mi Goreng.

Pay for everything upfront: I can't stress this enough! Too often I see friends who can't afford a plane ticket home, let alone the hotel they have been staying in and are forced to ask everyone and anyone to loan them money because they had a wild night and spent/lost there money. It can ruin your entire trip having to worry abut finances, especially when your meant to be kicking back and relaxing in paradise.

Use the freebies: If your accomodation offers free breakfast then load up in the mornings! If you have free hire of scooters, bikes or a driver then make good use of it! It might not seem like a lot but the savings will add up!

Make your own lunch/snacks: We saved so much money doing a weekly shop to ensure we always had basics for sandwiches, plus plenty of fruit to snack on. This saves you having to eat out 3 times a day and gives you quite a bit of extra money to play around with.

Stay with friends: There is so many positives to holidaying with friends (hello free, trustworthy babysitters!) but one of my favorites would be the affordability. You can all pay for one resort together, go halves in hiring drivers and order enough pizza to have it delivered to you 11pm at night. Plus, you know, it's fun and you like them.

Immerse yourself in tradition: Make friends with the locals, learn there customs, eat where they eat and find what they do for fun. You will be truly surprised what the world has to offer if you go in open minded, and if it all goes south atleast you can say you tried something new.

Most of all, have fun! Be lighthearted! Your on holiday, what ever worries you have, this gives you a legitimate reason to cast them aside. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our time in Sydney/Goulburn

Our time in Sydney/Goulburn

Believe it or not, I have never been interstate before. I know! I've travelled to 6 countries so far but never out of the state, it's kinda terrible. When we immigrated from South Africa, we traveled a lot through Western Australia but never quite got past the borders. It's one of the reasons we bought the bus in the first place, Aaron wanted to show me his home country in full.

So when Aaron's family asked us to go to New South Wales with them to our Nana Mary's birthday, I was a little more then excited! In saying that, there was a lot to be worried about, the flight from Perth to Sydney was during the day and a little longer then our Bali one and worst of all, Lilly was teething something horrific. 

When we boarded the flight we were surprised to find there were 8 other babies on the flight, all seated around us! It was fantastic to not have to throw apologetic glances at the people surrounding us as our baby cried or slobbered yoghurt onto the seat, to have other mothers and fathers to chat to who knew exactly how we felt. I think due to that, the flight went surprisingly well. Lilly napped majority of the time, and when she was awake she had other baby friends to babble to or Peppa Pig to watch. 

Lilly loved her time in Goulburn, especially as she hadn't met majority of Aarons extended family. It was a quaint little town (although much bigger then the town we're currently in) filled with the worlds cutest houses. I've never been to a place filled with so many vintage looking granny cottages, I have to admit, I fell a little in love with the architecture. 

We only stayed for 4 days, but it was an amazing and incredibly relaxed first trip interstate for me. I can't wait to immerse myself in the rest of Australia

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Oh, the cuteness!

Oh, the cuteness!

So as you can tell, I haven't written a post in a little while. My photography is doing really well and keeping me rather busy, as is our little bear! I have lots of posts planned and will be sharing them over the next few days, so keep an eye out :)

Also, I'm excited to reveal that there will be a few aesthetic changes to my blog! Hopefully by the end of the month they will be in place.

So anyways, this is just kinda a blogpost about planning to write other blogposts, and well, sharing Lilly's cuteness!

Hope you enjoy, and happy new year!


52 Week Project (18) Australia (11) Bali (8) Birth (2) Borneo (1) Bus (6) Films (1) Food (1) Fremantle (1) Indonesia (1) Life (35) Lilly-Mary (37) Malaysia (1) Margaret River (1) Melaka (1) Penguin Island (1) Perth (3) Tips (9) Travel (25)